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Kickstarting Your Blog - Page 6

How to Choose the Right Blog Post Layout For Your WordPress Website
  • November 30, 2017
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Three things can make or break a blog – writing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and design. Even if you nail the first two, your WordPress blog may not get much …

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Website Graphics: 3 Tools To Create Images For Website
  • August 04, 2017
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Images are a vital component of any website, and using the right ones can enhance both your content and design. The problem lies in finding the right graphics without resorting to the …

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4 Ways to Boost Engagement on Your Website
  • March 07, 2017
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Your website’s content may be top notch, but if you aren’t engaging your readers, building a solid user base is going to be an uphill battle. Furthermore, you might be …

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A/B Testing: The Top 5 WordPress Plugins in 2016
  • August 09, 2016
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Bringing traffic to your WordPress website means little if you can’t get visitors to take action and convert into paying customers. To help achieve this, it’s important to know how …

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How To Fix WordPress W3 Total Cache 500 Internal Server Error
  • August 02, 2016
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As you may know, W3 Total Cache is pretty awesome when it comes to providing a highly configurable landscape for WordPress caching. W3 Total Cache generates static cache pages for …

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7 Ways To Earn Money With Your Blog
  • June 27, 2016
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Most bloggers don’t do what they do simply for the fun of it. Sure, there are some out there who only want an outlet for their voice, but most bloggers …

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Need Content Suggestions? Learn How Top Bloggers Make Content
  • May 18, 2016
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You were probably excited at the prospect of starting your own blog – getting your words and your views published and making money at the same time! But before too …

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How To Improve Your Business’ Brand With Blogging (5 Tips)
  • March 28, 2016
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As a tool that businesses use to build online communities, provide customer value and establish their leadership and domain expertise, business-branded blogs have become a de facto prerequisite for successful …

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Ghost Scaring Away The Competition With New Updates
  • September 09, 2015
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Ghost has launched its first major interface update in two years. I personally can’t believe it’s been that long since Ghost was launched and took the blogging software audience by storm. This update is exciting news especially if you’re a current Ghost user, or you’ve tried it in the past but didn’t think it was quite ready for prime time. Some of the new features you’ll see in this version of Ghost include:

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Three Reasons Why Your Blog Isn’t Getting Traffic
  • August 10, 2015
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At A2 Hosting, we’re all about making sure you get the fastest page load speeds possible. That way your audience can have an excellent user experience when they visit your site. Your audience’s experience is a big part of the puzzle for you to be successful, but you need an audience in the first place.

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